Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Who looks better???

While I was getting dressed, Bailey found my shirt and thought that she would like to wear it. She even found my silver shoes to go with it.
"Does it look good???"
Shoes are hard to put on without help.
The whole outfit... Notice her smile. She was so proud of herself.
I finally got to put my shirt on... notice my small belly.
So... Who looks better in the shirt????

Friday, June 18, 2010


After dinner, Bailey and Daddy like to play with the bubbles. Bailey even know the sign for bubbles. It is so much fun to watch the two of them playing.
I am still not sure who likes the bubbles more. Tonight we figured out how to catch the bubbles...
And make bubble mohawks...
I think this could be the new hair style.
The only bad part is that bubbles end up in your eyes and that leads to lots of screams and tears.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Glasses

Bailey got new sunglasses... She loves them but has a hard time putting them on by herself. A little crooked!
"I look super cool when Mom puts them on!"
But I only leave them on for 30 seconds before I want to play with them.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Friday June 4th - National Donut Day

Friday June 4th is National Donut day!
To celebrate we went to Lamar's for free donuts! Bailey thought this was a great thing to celebrate! Reaching for even more!
"Mom are you hiding more in the bag? I want more!!!"
She likes all kinds of donuts... blueberry cake donuts, glazed donuts, and my chocolate donut!
We did all the donuts before going to our last session of gymnastics. Bailey got a metal for doing such a good job. I must admit that the little gym is more fun on a sugar rush and Bailey is ten times more active with all that sugar in her!
She is so proud of her metal! She carries around her "necklace".

Monday, June 7, 2010


Bailey loves to swing!!! Daddy pushes her and she giggles and giggles!
It is a great thing to watch... It makes all of us laugh!

I stand in front and tickle her every time she comes to me.

Thursday, June 3, 2010