Thursday, March 18, 2010

3 months of knitting....

3 months of knitting and it is finally finished!!!
A cute cardigan and hat. There is only one problem... I made it too big!
It could almost be a dress!
The good news is that it will fit next fall/winter/spring!
It was very disappointing to work so hard and not get to see her in it!


  1. well, it's better than too small! I made a set for Emma while I was pregnant, and she was too big for it when she was born. She made it look like it was for a doll!
    here's a pic:

  2. by the way, it's adorable!!! you did a beautiful job :)

  3. Everything I make for Piper is sooo very much too big, sigh... Your sweater and hat set sure are cute, just like Bailey!

    Piper's nana, Robbie

  4. Absolutely wonderful. Cute pattern, great color on Bailey! The first time for things always takes longer.You are the greatest!
