Saturday, May 26, 2012

Miss Anna's Wedding

Our wonderful nanny, Miss Anna, married Mr Steve today.
It was a beautiful wedding with only one minor mishap...
Right in the middle of catholic communion when the entire church was silent, Bailey decided to scream "Bad Momma" at me because she didn't like that I wanted her to be quiet.  Very embarrassing!!!
 Daddy and his girl!
 Miss Anna and Mr Steve
Bailey danced and danced!  She had so much fun at the party!
The cutest part was before the reception started, Bailey picked 2 dandelions and gave one to Miss Anna and one to Miss Anna's Mommy (She put the wilted dandelion in her corsage.)

1 comment:

  1. oh my, that's too funny! well, at least Miss Anna knew you were part of her special day : )
